Free Tipsy Tonight Online Drinking Game: Play Now!
If you want to just drink without having to think too hard, Sixes is the game for you. Sixes is almost a continuous drinking game that requires a little luck with a die.
To play Sixes, you’ll need six empty shot glasses that are lined up and numbered. Take turns rolling a die and seeing which number comes up, which corresponds to a shot glass. If the shot glass is empty, the player must fill it up. If it is already full, they must drink it.
As an alternate version, you could also play with different size cups, like a shot glass, teacup, and pint glass. This adds a new dimension to the game since players will want to avoid the larger cups that hold more alcohol. If you don’t have different cup sizes, just use a plastic Solo cup and use a marker to draw lines at different heights to show where to fill to.
What You Need
Number of Players: 2 or more
- 6 shot glasses or plastic cups
- 1 die
- Marker, if you’d like to mark different fill lines on the cups
- Beer
Sixes Rules
- Line up 6 empty shot glasses or cups in a row and number them from 1 to 6.
- The first player will roll the die to see what number they get. That number corresponds to the same numbered shot glass.
- If the shot glass is empty, the player will have to fill it up with alcohol of their choice and their turn is over.
- Is the shot glass is full, they have to drink it and their turn is over.
- This continues for all the players until everyone has had enough.
- To make it a little more challenging, you can use a variety of cup sizes (or mark different fill levels on a plastic cup). This will make it more interesting since some cups will have very little alcohol while others could be a full chug.
- That’s it! Just roll the dice and drink!
Play Online Drinking Game
Free online drinking game that you can play anywhere. It's simple to play, just follow the rules on the screen and drink when it says!