Free Tipsy Tonight Online Drinking Game: Play Now!
Spoons is a fun and fast-paced drinking card game that is easy to learn. You’ll need a deck of cards and a pile of spoons to get started.
All players should sit in a circle within arms reach of each other. Place enough spoons in the middle of the table for all but one person. Shuffle a deck of cards and deal everyone 4 cards to hold in their hand. Place the remaining cards face-down in a stack next to the player that will go first.
The first player draws a card from the deck and can choose to either keep it in their hand or pass to the left. Each player may only keep four cards in their hand at one time. The player on their left can then choose to to keep that card or discard it to their left.
Play continues around the circle and can go as quickly as the first person can pick up and discard cards. Tip: the faster you play, the harder it is and more exciting!
The first person to get four of a kind grabs a spoon from the center of the table. At that point, everyone can attempt to grab a spoon. The last person who does not have a spoon loses the round and has to drink!
What You Need
Number of Players: 4 or more, up to 13
- A deck of cards
- Enough spoons for everyone except one
- Alcohol of your choice
Spoons Drinking Game Rules
- All players should sit in a circle within arms length of each other.
- Place enough spoons in the middle of the table so that everyone except one person has one. For example, if you have 6 players, you would need 5 spoons.
- Shuffle a deck of cards and deal 4 cards to each player to hold in their hand.
- The first player starts with the remaining deck of cards placed face-down in a stack. They will pick up the top card and choose to either keep it in their hand or discard it to the player on their left.
- The goal is to be the first player to make four of a kind. Each player can only have 4 cards in their hand at once.
- The player on the left can then choose to keep the card that was passed or discard it to the player on their left. Players continue to pass their discarded cards around the circle until someone has four of a kind.
- Once a player has four of a kind, they must grab a spoon from the center of the table.
- At this point, all players can attempt to grab a spoon. The last person who does not grab a spoon loses the round and must drink.
- Whoever grabbed the spoon first is the winner and goes first on the next round.
Spoons Card Game Variations
One way to play Spoons is to allow everyone to continue to stay in the game when they lose. For each round, the loser must drink a shot and then the cards are reshuffled. The winner is the first to go in the next round, giving them a slight edge to make four of a kind first.
Another variation of Spoons is to eliminate the loser from the game each round. Whoever does not grab a spoon must sit out and drink on their own. Continue playing rounds until the final two players compete to be the ultimate winner. This type of knockout, championship format can be a fun way to see who the ultimate player it.
Another variation is to play it like HORSE, the basketball game. Every time someone loses a round, they must drink and get assigned a letter that spells out S-P-O-O-N-S. The first person to spell out spoons completely loses.
You can also get creative with coming up with other rules, like not using your hands to grab the spoons. Or, you can use other utensils or oddly shaped objects. Just be careful to not use anything sharp!
Finally, you can also play by putting the spoons across the room from where you play the cards. This means players will have to run to be the fastest, as well as having fast reflexes. It can be a great way to add a little movement and challenge to a drinking card game!
Play Online Drinking Game
Free online drinking game that you can play anywhere. It's simple to play, just follow the rules on the screen and drink when it says!