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Sociables (Cheers to the Governor) Drinking Game

    Free Tipsy Tonight Online Drinking Game: Play Now!

    The Sociables drinking game, also known as Kings, Cheers to the Governor, Circle of Death, or Ring of Fire, is a popular and social drinking game that involves cards and various rules for each card drawn.

    To begin, arrange cups in a circle and place a deck of cards in the center, face-down. Each player takes turns drawing a card and follows the corresponding rule associated with that card.

    For example, an Ace might initiate a waterfall where everyone starts drinking and can’t stop until the player who drew the card does. A King could prompt a round of Categories, where players take turns naming items in a chosen category until someone can’t think of one.

    Each card holds a unique rule, ensuring plenty of laughs and camaraderie as the game progresses. The game continues until all cards are drawn or the players decide to end it.

    Here’s how to play:

    Materials Needed

    1. A deck of playing cards
    2. Alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, spirits, etc.)
    3. Cups for drinks


    1. Arrange the cups in a circle on a flat surface, with each player sitting around the circle.
    2. Place the deck of cards face-down in the center of the circle.


    1. To start the game, one player begins by picking up a card from the deck and then follows the rule associated with that card (see below for the typical rules).
    2. The player then continues clockwise around the circle, with each player drawing a card and following the corresponding rule.
    3. The game continues until all the cards have been drawn from the deck or until the players decide to end the game.

    Typical Card Rules

    Each card in the deck corresponds to a specific rule. Here are some common rules for each card:

    • Ace (A): Waterfall – Everyone starts drinking, and no one can stop until the player who drew the card stops. The player who drew the card determines when to stop, and then the person to their left can stop, followed by the next player, and so on.
    • King (K): Categories – The player who drew the card chooses a category (e.g., types of fruit, countries, movie titles), and then players take turns naming items in that category. The first player who can’t think of an item or repeats one must drink.
    • Queen (Q): Questions – The player who drew the card asks a question to another player. That player must respond with another question to someone else, and the game continues. Whoever breaks the pattern, takes too long to respond, or answers with a statement instead of a question must drink.
    • Jack (J): Rule – The player who drew the card makes a rule that everyone must follow for the rest of the game (e.g., you can only drink with your left hand, you must finish your drink before speaking, etc.).
    • 10: Social – Everyone drinks.
    • 9: Rhyme – The player who drew the card says a word, and then players must take turns saying words that rhyme with it. The first player who can’t think of a rhyme or repeats one must drink.
    • 8: Mate – The player who drew the card chooses a “mate” who must drink whenever they do for the rest of the game.
    • 7: Heaven – Everyone must raise their hands toward the sky. The last person to do so must drink.
    • 6: Thumb Master – The player who drew the card becomes the “Thumb Master” and can discreetly put their thumb on the table at any time during the game. When other players notice, they must also put their thumbs on the table. The last person to do so must drink.
    • 5: Give Five – The player who drew the card can choose anyone to take five drinks, or they can distribute the drinks among multiple players.
    • 4: Floor – Everyone must touch the floor. The last person to do so must drink.
    • 3: Tree – Similar to “Heaven,” but everyone must raise their hands above their heads as if they’re a tree. The last person to do so must drink.
    • 2: You – The player who drew the card chooses someone to drink.

    End of the Game

    The game continues until all the cards have been drawn or until the players decide to end the game. Players can continue playing multiple rounds or stop when they’ve had enough.

    Important Notes

    • The rules listed above are just examples, and players can customize them to suit their preferences.
    • Players should drink responsibly and be mindful of their limits. If someone becomes too intoxicated or uncomfortable, the game should be stopped.
    • It’s essential to have non-alcoholic beverages and snacks available for players to stay hydrated and to mitigate the effects of alcohol consumption.
    • Never pressure anyone to drink more than they’re comfortable with, and always prioritize the safety and well-being of all players.

    Enjoy playing Sociables responsibly and have fun socializing with friends!

    Play Online Drinking Game

    Free online drinking game that you can play anywhere. It's simple to play, just follow the rules on the screen and drink when it says!

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